Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 2/10, This Is My Strong

Goal Weekly Miles & Long Run: 35-40 and 15
Actual Weekly Miles & Long Run: 50.10 and 15.5

11.15 Mile Run, 20 Min. Abs/Pushups 
 8.05 Mile Run (Hills), 10 Min. Cycling Trainer Cool Down
 10.05 Mile Run, 40 Min. Cycling Trainer (Intervals), Pushups
Build The Machine
REST 3/4 Mile Swim, Abs/Pushups
15.5 Mile Long Run, Pushups
This long run felt wonderful. Took 1 date at mile 7.5 which was all I needed to fuel the rest of the run.    
60 Min. Cycling Trainer (Intervals), 15min. Abs/Pushups
5.35 Mile Easy Run, 60 Min Cycling Trainer (Intervals), 35 Min. Ttl Body Weights + Abs

  • Continue to focus on negative splits - All of my runs were!
  • I am LOVING running in the cold weather.
  • I really like not having a 'set' training schedule.  It allows me to listen to my body and respond accordingly.     
  • I have decided cycling on the trainer is a MUCH better workout than on the road.  Especially the interval video I have been doing... hot sweaty mess. 

Have you all seen this part of's webpage?  
You can make your own 'THIS IS MY STRONG' shirt.  
They are not expensive + all shirt profits go to Run For Good Foundation.  

This is what mine would be... what words would you use??????



  1. I am going to have to check out the saucony shirt thing, looks cool.

    I try for negative splits on all my runs too. Great job with your training!

  2. Agreed, I totally get a better workout when I'm in spin classes as opposed to being out on the road.

    When I'm biking outside, the environment is super limiting (with street lights and such because I live in the city) and I can't really push I don't wan't to get hit by a car or fall or anything like that, so I am always more hesitant/cautious.

    Great training so far!!

  3. nice job hitting over your goal mileage for the week!

  4. Awesome job with your training!

    And that Saucony shirt is so cool, I definitely need to check that out.

  5. I'm going to have a look at the Saucony website!
    whoo fantastic mileage and congrats on maintaining negative splits. That's great your listening to your body :)

  6. Great week of training. Like how you mix up your runs with some cross training.

    BTM - Awesome blog.

  7. First, I must say that your training looks SO smart right now. Great job, girl!
    Also, I LOVE colder weather running too. Yay for fall/winter!!

    I will go check out Saucony's page- coll idea there.

  8. omg omg OMG i need one of those shirts right now!! also, love your training - even though you were above your goal mileage its def good to listen to your body and not force workouts and miles on days you don't want them - and get them in on the days you do!! In the cold I'd totally pick riding the trainer over the roads any day - you can push it a LOT more :-D

  9. ohhh! love the saucony shirt thing! i will have to check that out!

    also...i get so inspired looking at your workouts! you always go all out and give your whole heart to your workouts! love it!

  10. hi!! I love all your motivation and excitement about racing! so happy I stumbled across your blog! xoxo!

  11. Glad to see you RUNNING & BIKING. Those were 2 super passions of mine and I mainly use the elliptical for convenience. To give you background I used to run 8 miles a day at about 8 min. miles with hills,,never missed a day and biked in the evening and weekends. It is a super passion. Ride and run forever.
